There's just NOTHING
Like doing something when you outta be doing something else. That apart. I distinctly remember a time when deadlines seemed like fun (Good Lord! What was I thinking????). My friends and I would keep putting something off until the evening before the deadline. And then we would spend hours on the phone with each other, chalking out EXACTLY how we would all tackle the said deadline, thereby cutting the time we had to tackle the deadline in half. We would then be left with something like 8 hours until the minute (the actual minute!) we'd have to hand in the assignment, to take the test or exam. After 2 hours of working steadily at the deadline we would either be completely panicked and would have to call each other up just to calm down, or else we would be exhausted by all the unaccustomed hard work and we'd have to call each other up to recharge our spirits (see a pattern here?). But the point of it was that it was never Drop Dead Chills Down My Spine Scary. Ah, those were the days. When I didn't know that not keeping up with deadlines would not Bother the World at Large (wow THREE negatives in one sentence! A new record I believe), and I thought that teachers and other such Persons in Power would come running up to me if I forgot a deadline and give me an extension, when I didn't know that even if I called one of the Deadline Monsters (read people who set deadlines) and pleaded with them for another week, weeping tears of helplessness and frustration, the DM could Not Care Less. And what sucks is that now I KNOW. Isn't growing up depressing?
Me First! Me first!! :D
6:54 PM
Isn't growing up depressing?!
Spoken like a true Calvin fan! :D
7:00 PM
Beat Obi to 2nd! Ha!
Yes, growing up is depressing... very. Except for... um... can't think of anything really!
12:15 AM
I don't wanna grow up.
My life is a testimony to that..LOL And I like it that way.
*hanging head*
But I do meet deadlines today.
And like you--I never used to....LOL
Oh LORD tell me that doesn't make me a grown up!!
11:42 AM
Me 3rd! Cloudy, you beat me because I wasn't in office for the last couple of days, was at Amby Valley resort near Lonavala, company junket for recharging, which unfortunately resulted in our batteries getting discharged due to over-indulging in dancing and drinking, and not sleeping at all(almost)!
Revealed: Given a choice, none of us would want to ever grow up. But for the sake of 'paapi pet', we have to make certain compromises at times. But at least we should not stop being happy at small small things, and try to keep the child within us alive and kicking for as long as possible.
And btw, this 'method' of dealing with deadlines(last minute preparation DESPITE adequate time being available for preparation), is a universal phenomenon :-)
7:50 PM
@Sunshine: Calvin's my guru. If ONLY I had Hobbes!! *sigh *
@Cloudy: I hear you, I hear you. Just gotta suck it up, I know.
@Mel: Course it doesn't make you grown up. Hehe. If we all say it often enough it might become true ;).
@Obi: Definitely sounds like fun :). And its last minute preparation BECAUSE of adequate time being available! I stick to my stand that if they just told us that it had to be done by tomorrow it wouldn't be last minute work. Its the false feeling of eternal time stretching out before you that makes you postpone stuff. This is TRUE! Hehe.
11:12 PM
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