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Friday, November 10, 2006


Y'know how sometimes to get somewhere you have to go through something? Like you're at A, you see B and you want B. But in order to get to B you first have to do C,D and E (using alphabets and such like to provide insight into the workings of a scientific brain ;). And C,D and E suck! And take forever. But everytime you want to stop and say you've had enough and sulk, you look up and see B. And you're like, "Dang it! I CAN'T quit! Cos I really want B". I hate those things. I really do. But what I really, REALLY hate is when you struggle through C, D and E and reach B and then find out that B was not at ALL what you expected but you can't go back cos you've burnt all your bridges behind you. Now THAT sucks. Its beyond hatred. Its life (yeah, right! If you were a bitter cynic who smoked cigars and drank whisky straight maybe!!!). I was at A, and I'm halfway through D at the moment. And I'm so worried that B won't be B when I get to it.

OK, that was the insightful post for the day and hopefully the last for a while cos my industrious *sniggering at own sarcasm* team members are back from where they were and ready to start posting.


Blogger Sumithra said...

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12:05 PM

Blogger Sumithra said...

Me first! :D

12:06 PM

Blogger Sumithra said...

Hmmm.. you've got me thinking..! :-)

12:11 PM

Blogger Obi Wan said...

Me 2nd me 2nd!!!

The way I look at it, there is no way of knowing whether B will ultimately be worth it or not, and if you don't have a B to work towards, you will be forever stuck at A or will meander through C,D,E etc. without any objective. By working towards B, you at least have a purpose that will keep you going. And anyways, as the great Lord Buddha said, 'It is the journey, not the destination'!

1:28 PM

Blogger Sumithra said...

Wow, Obi really DOES have a solution to everything :-)

6:34 PM

Blogger Mel said...

Oy geeze.....back to that "plan plans, not results" message that got dropped in my lap.

But I WANT results, and not only that--I want the results I WANT, dangit! LOL

I sooo feel ya, Revealed.
But I'm thinking obi wan's spot on, darnitall....

8:18 PM

Blogger Revealed said...

@Sunshine: I got you thinking? Yikes, I'm so sorry. How can I make it up to you? :P N yeah, Obi has a solution to EVERYTHING.
@Obi: Can I have a pocket version of you, please? You're right dang it! You are!!!! As is Buddha I might add (but that you would EXPECT).
@Mel: A sister soul in distress. That made me feel better than everything everyone else said. Hehe.

4:01 AM

Blogger Cloudy said...

Oh wow... I can't say I know how you feel, coz I've never wanted a purpose to my actions. I was just content to drift along with life, picking flowers on the way (just those within my reach, nothing tat I had to reach too far for). But all of sudden I find life snap right back, saying 'Take control, you wastrel' (if wastrel is the word I'm looking for). And I realised I don't really know what it is to have Ambition, and a Purpose to One's Life. A little help, Obi?

5:53 AM

Blogger Cloudy said...

Did I say 3rd?

5:56 AM

Blogger Revealed said...

@Cloudy: Honey, you're onto a good thing here. Hold on to it, I say!!! A Purpose in One's Life is actually a Bane of One's Existence. Hehe. (cept for when Life snaps back I suppose! Pretty cheeky of Life to do that! )

6:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm. @A go towards B thru C,D,E! hmmm, been there, done that, spent 40 years going thru C,D, E. Ain't nuttin like I thought it would be @ B. Wait a minute, am I even @ B yet? Whewww, Probably not. No need for disappoinment then, eh? LOL

2:14 AM

Blogger Revealed said...

@ladydi: LOL! What a comforting thought. Hehe

6:30 PM


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