What'd'ya expect from a blogname like ours :D, we leave it up2 you :p

Friday, December 15, 2006

"And that's it? We let laborers dig up archeological sites? And then we steal the artefacts back from them? Is he crazy? Are all of you crazy?" Gaurav was apparently not happy. But then thought Priyanka neither was she, though Arun seemed perfectly fine with it. Which was just like her. "C'mon you guys. You KNOW this is wrong. I say we do something about it", he thundered. Oh no, another one of his crazy schemes. She could see it coming. What would he suggest this time. Killing the Big P? Drowning all the laborers and then impersonating them and continuing the excavation. Where G was considered you could never be sure."What do you want to do, Gaurav? This is how it is. Like it or lump it, and I suggest you lump it." "Priyanka, don't be defeatist. You can do better than that! We need some initiative here. Can't we get all the other students together and stage a protest? Write a letter to Mr. Subramaniam? Write out a petition to the Big P?" Priyanka sighed for what felt like the millionth time, "Don't be a baby, Gaurav. You think writing a letter to the head of the ASI is going to help? How? You think he'll immediately come running, give you an award and make you head of the excavation. You're just being ridiculous. Protests and petitions, they serve no purpose in our country. And you ought to know better." Gaurav simmered silently. She could hear thoughts popping in his head, like popcorn in a microwave. Which made sense because men were a lot like microwaves. You put thoughts in their heads and let them mull over them too long and they tended to boil over, making a mess. Arun's slow voice made itself heard in the ensuing silence, " Guys, I think I have an idea". Both of them looked at her. "Let's use the skeleton that Gaurav found. Yeah the one you're attempting to hide ludicrously under that bush, Gaurav . Let's use it to scare the laborers. It'll at least buy us some time, won't it? And when THEY protest it normally makes a difference. And I'm not trying to make a casteist statement or anything! Before either of you come up with something brilliant like that. Just stating facts. If they refused to work on religious grounds, no pun intended it'd play into our hands, wouldn't it?"
She had to find her family. Where were they? Never mind Baltos. He had never mattered much except in her dreams. He had been their saviour there. This made her stop and think. Everything else she had dreamt about had come true. Should she try to find Baltos? What if this was her chance to atone for her sins? She knew the enemies of their race were out there, waiting. The forest fire was the perfect opportunity for those devils to attack her tribe and vanquish them. They were defenseles, hungry, tired, homeless and vulnerable. She hesitated. She didn't know what to do and the confusion on top of everything else that had happened made reality harder to deal with. She squatted on the muddy ground and began chanting the first prayer her mum had taught her. Pashwan was a Fierce God but she believed He was a Just one as well. And while she couldn't understand the reasons for His actions she knew that all the trouble that had been visited on her tribe was mainly her own fault. She had been wicked and she had to atone for it. She would find Baltos and she would ask him, no beg him, to be their Hero.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very complicated story this!!!

2:52 AM

Blogger Revealed said...

Hmm. I plead tied hands :D

3:16 AM

Blogger Sumithra said...

Second! :D

9:48 AM

Blogger Cloudy said...


Hmmmm.... major twists in the Melito story - so was it really a dream?

12:33 AM

Blogger Cloudy said...

And when THEY protest it normally makes a difference

Hear Hear!

12:45 AM

Blogger Revealed said...

Well, how I understood it was that the first bit where she sees everyone running blah blah and sees this Baltos chappie its real, and then she's apparently 'disoriented' and in her 'disorientation' she builds a temporary shelter (ty akka for making it so simple :P) along with a buncha other people but because of the 'disorientation' she actually imagines she's semi-unconscious in a hut next to a river where she also hears someone drown!!!!! This is my understanding of the Melito story :P.

2:25 AM

Blogger Obi Wan said...

Me 4th!!! Finally read all the previous parts of the stories, hadn't been able to come here for a week since i'd gone to my gaon/muluk, also known in some parts of the world as the capital of India.

I am taking the easy way out, just following the archeological expedition, Melito's ishtory is way too complicated, not my glass of rum at all, I say!

8:57 PM

Blogger Obi Wan said...

And btw, FYI, inspired by the discussion on PGW and Sally, I picked up The Adventures of Sally before going on my leave, and finished it off in Delhi. Brilliant stuff, I simply loved Sally :-)

And last week, I also discovered who is the PGW hero I dislike the most- it's Ukridge. Somehow, his 'flexible' moral framework was a put-off.

9:02 PM

Blogger Revealed said...

@Obi: I lovvvvve Dr. Sally too >:D<, and I might agree with you on the Ukridge thing but its not a thing to be lightly agreed with. So I'll bend my powerful intellect to the issue of most dislikeable PGW hero and then return with my thoughts :P
As for Melito's story, I believe you're not alone *Sigh *, I myself have no idea where that's headed.

10:45 PM

Blogger Cloudy said...

Me too loves Sally :)

As for Ukridge, I confess my moral outlok is not exactly squeaky clean (I once pinched a rare PGW (the one with the transcripts) from a library where it was being abused. I saved it from destruction really. The first time I borrowed it, enjoyed and returned it, like a good citizen. The next week, I saw it with front cover missing and the first few pages mutilated. 'Twas the work of a minute to rush home, wear big jacket, return to library, and perform rescue mission.

But the fact remains, however you look at it, that it was pinched. So am not qualified to pass jugdements on Ukridge....

12:32 AM

Blogger Revealed said...

@Cloudy: Hehe. I'm sure she's happier with you anyway. Twas a brave thing you did, methinks. More power to your arm (the one that actually does the flicking)

12:46 AM


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