What'd'ya expect from a blogname like ours :D, we leave it up2 you :p

Sunday, October 22, 2006

This was just getting PLAIN SILLY now. OK......I admit it..it was okay to 'baby' sit my brother (if you can call him brother) once in a while but this was just IRRITATING!!! Just because the stupid thing can't take care of himself doesent mean I have to do the job!!!It would have been fine..almost fun if it wasn't on that particular day.......but now I couldn't go to my friends house for the sleepover. Atleast if my parents could understand...but nooo they wouldn't even listen. "What are you doing?" called a voice behind my head. Was I talking to myself again...Oh it was that pesky kid. "what does it look like I'm doing?" but he had gone..good ridance..okay i'm being mean..it's not his fault that my parents won't let him stay alone....*SIGH* life was just plain bugging sometimes. "Hiya!" I heard a voice from the window. "Hi.." wait a second.... From the WINDOW!!!!!! "Rishiiiiii!!!!!!!!!" He's done it again. My little brother was hanging upside down from the tree outside my window and waving at me!!!!


Blogger The Comic Project said...

the title of your blog is also a lovely song by Mark Knopfler :-)

3:23 AM

Blogger sraiyan said...

Thanks comic project I think...but we got the name from an ad which we make fun of!!!! :p

10:53 PM

Blogger The Comic Project said...

revealed "revealed" that to me :-)

3:03 AM


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